All DazFocus Courses

​Time ​& Productivity Hack

​Have you ever wondered where very successful people get the time to do all the things they do in a day? Do you think they have more hours than you do? Well, think again . . . we each are given 24 hours a day. How ​did you expend yours?

Learn how to identify and squash distractions, focus on what's most important and increase your productivity.

​​Better Communication, Happier Atmosphere

​Don't you love to work and live in a happy environment? Sure your do! But your tone, facial expression and choice of words can sometimes cause lots of unintended confusion and frustration.  ​

​​Discover the secrets of effective communication. Learn to apply the strategies and methods that will make a difference to the way ​you get your messages across while ​maintaining a happy atmosphere.

​​Conflict Management

​So you're a member of a team or you're a team leader. Your team comprises of people with varied skills and personalities, not all of whom have the same ideas of how and when things should be done.  Inevitably conflicts arise.

​​Conflicts are not necessarily bad.  It is how you deal with it that determines the outcome. Learn to do it right, ​to achieve the best outcome.